Entities management


This module of CONCEPT TrusteeTM consists of 6 parts:

  • A database containing the history of all the entities.
  • A front office including document management and automatic updating of the data base.
  • A task management linked to a deadline management.
  • An interface with systems of electronic document management (EDM)
  • An internal electronic mail system.
  • A set of programs ensuring optimum security and managing the level of confidentiality of the data.



The database makes it possible to manage, query and retain all information related to the entities.

The rubric and files of this database are suited to the various types of entities (trusts, companies, foundations, etc.).

The information managed in this module includes in particular the management of :

  • Corporate documents and related shares.
  •  Management of checklists enabling customized and structured organization of all electronic   documents. Possible links with a system of electronic document management (EDM), as well as the management of tasks and deadlines.
  • Powers of Attorney, bank accounts and signatories to those accounts.
  • Deposits and safes.
  • Accounting aspects, documents and imperatives related to accounting.
  • Assets and insurance contracts, etc.

In addition,

  • For companies:
    • The management of all information concerning the various forms of capital (authorized, issued, paid) including the management of share certificates, subscribers, shareholders and nominees.
    • The management of directors, of the true beneficial owners, etc.
  • For trusts :
    • Management of settlors, trustees, beneficiaries and excluded beneficiaries.
    • Management of clauses, etc.

The above examples are not exhaustive.

The complete information is kept in a history file.

The System includes a centralised and detailed management of individuals that is accessible from the data base of the entities.

The System also contains specific information relating to identity, contacts, residency, nationalises and risk level as well as a management of scanned documents such as copies of passports, signatures, references, etc.

A list generator allows users to define customised reports based on information contained in the database.



The purpose of the front office is to gather in one module most of the ordinary everyday operations done whilst managing entities.

Front office aims to rationalise office work avoiding redundancy in the database as well in the work of the users.

For example, users usually have to create or modify a document by word processing, to update the data base manually, to modify diaries, to introduce a dead-line and to send the document by post, fax or mail.

In CONCEPT TrusteeTM on the other hand only one operation is needed. After having input the operation in the database, the System will generate the document automatically and sends it by mail.

Therefore, this program allows the users to:

  • Define and configure easily the everyday tasks (create an entity, make a change in the board of directors, etc.).
  • Create and link documents to these tasks (internal forms, letters, scanned official documents).
  • Define by jurisdiction and type of entity the parameters of execution of a task.
  • Manage by jurisdiction and type of entity the parameters which will guide the user in his work and allow automatic updating of the deadline man­agement.
  • Define check-lists of documents to be established or requested and of tasks to be performed according to jurisdiction and type of entity. An automatic follow-up of the user and of the deadline management is carried out by the System for each entity.



This module allows to directly access documents stored through an Electronic Document Management. System.

The relationship between CONCEPT TrusteeTM and the various filing systems can also be recorded and saved periodically and automatically, thus avoiding the error sources linked to a manual entry.


This module allows the user to manage specific or recurring tasks as well as deadlines to which they may be linked.

The first part is related to task management.

This module is integrated into the whole solution and is mainly updated by the application program. Many automatic links exist. These include:

  • Accounting due dates.
  • Expiry dates of legal documents.
  • Expiry date of mandates.
  • Appointments and visits to customers.
  • Management of general meetings and of boards of directors.
  • Expiry date of powers of attorney in issue.

The user can also define his own specific or recurring tasks. For each task he may mention subordinates, projected duration of work (planning), date of recall, etc.

The second part is a powerful reporting tool.

It makes it possible to consult tasks and related deadlines according to many cri-teria :

  • by users, groups or for any user, with protection of access.
  • by entities, mandates and/or deadlines.
  • by using specific time intervals (day, week, fortnight, month, quarter, half-year or year).
  • by using customized time intervals etc.



It looks like a classic standard electronic mail tool exclusively accessible to CONCEPT TrusteeTM users.

The much specific functionality includes:

  • Linking messages to mandates (compliance), entities and individuals.
  • Requiring message reply deadlines with creation of information in the task management of the sender and of the recipient(s).
  • The management of warnings for users receiving messages, especially those which are urgent (compliance).
  • Electronic signatures when issuing or reading messages.
  • Archiving messages, especially those from the compliance module, etc.



CONCEPT TrusteeTM was developed in order to offer to our customers optimal data protection.

The following functions are therefore available:

  • All the rights can be defined by users and/or user groups, with hierarchical reference.
  • Customized definition of the minimum length and of the period of validity of the passwords
  • Protection of access safeguarded by module and program.
  • Possibility of specifying rights of the type: read, write, modify, and create.
  • Protection of access to the entities.
  • Protection of access to some of the functions of the program.
  • Possibility of specifying actions protected by password.
  • Possibility of protecting access to any page of the entities by password.
  • Possibility of managing confidential identities of specified individuals.
  • Integrated audit track, etc.